We surprised the NWCO Boys and Girls Club on a school day off with a hot cocoa stand at the base of their sledding hill. And we took our second annual January road trip to visit retailers and learn more about the communities of the west - this time to Idaho, Montana, Utah and Wyoming.

Gobs of local Steamboat kids on skis took part in the 110th Annual Winter Carnival by getting pulled behind horses down Lincoln Avenue. Town Hall was well-represented!

Scotty and the team at Winter Wondergrass have built something beautiful in this 3-day community-rich, musically-awesome, sustainably-focused event. We are proud to be the Official Kids Apparel sponsor. (Do you have your tickets for 2024 yet?)

It takes a village to travel around the west to multiple events and we couldn't do it without our tiny village. Thanks to Diana and fam for helping out at our third annual Fruita Kids Adventure Games. We also launched our About Town Anorak and popped-up at the base of Steamboat Resort and at the Steamboat Springs Running Series.

Bell-to-bell events blissfully filled up the summer, like the Steamboat Farmer's Market, our third annual Vail Kids Adventure Games, SBT Gravel and a Lake Tahoe selling trip. We had some big first-time meetings with key specialty retailers. They were impressed and we were, well, tearfully excited. Stay tuned for Town Hall showing up in new places this fall!

Our Third Annual Back To Snow event kicked off the beginning of the winter season. Our Anorak won Outside Magazine's Best Kids Gear Award and we won the Startup Colorado Founder Coopetition. We took another lap around the west, this time to teach retail staff at our new stores all about Town Hall. (This is the awesome crew at Sylvan Peak in Red Lodge, Montana.)

We showcased the brand at the Grassroots Outdoor Alliance tradeshow in Kansas City and did pop-ups with Evoke in Minturn, CO and Mountain Tap in Steamboat. The true highlight was partnering with the great team at Warren Miller to sponsor the national tour of their new ski film, All Time. We gave away a jacket at every national showing and made gobs of new friends in the process...while getting stoked for ski season!

It's a family affair here at Town Hall. It took 12 hours for the five Halls (including 79-year-young Grandma Niki) to do a stock count at our warehouse the day before Thanksgiving, but the memories and, well, inventory accuracy are forever!

Our gear seems to be popping up everywhere - from Anderson and Andy in Times Square to HGTV Magazine. But the real highlights that make us proud are articles from folks like Ski Mag and Covered Bridge and your incredible reviews.

Love Outside,
Joe, Jay and Robin